Hydrotherapy on dynamic balance and in activities of daily living in patients with neurotoxoplasmosis associated with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

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Larissa de Salgado de Oliveira
Elciane Souza de Medeiros
Helber Thiago de Assunção Machado
Anderson Antunes da Costa Moraes
Ediléa Monteiro de Oliveira
Rodrigo Santiago Barbosa Rocha


Introduction: For compromising the defense cells of the body, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus makes the individual vulnerable to the emergence of various diseases, including the neurotoxoplasmosis. Objective: To determine the  ffect of a hydrotherapy protocol in dynamic balance and the activities of daily living of patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis associated with the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Methods: 15 volunteers participated, three (20%) were female and 12 of them (80%) were male; mean age 37.44±5.5 years, diagnosed with cerebral toxoplasmosis resulting from AIDS registered in Specialized Reference Unit on Infectious Diseases Parasitic Infectious Specials. Underwent evaluation of dynamic balance by the Dynamic Gait Index and the activities of daily living by Barthel Index, pre and post
hydrotherapy, in the pool at an average temperature of 35°C, 3 times per week on alternate days, lasting 50 minutes, a total of 8 weeks or 24 sessions. We used the Shapiro-Wilk test for analysis of the Dynamic Gait Index and Barthel Index variances, and T Student test for pre and post-treatment comparison and significance level of α=0.05. Results: Total score of dynamic balance presented statistically significance (p<0.0001), comparison post-test (20.3±2.5) compared to pre-test (13.2±3.2). As for the activities of daily living was evidenced statistically significant value (p=0.049), and the post-test (98.8±2.2) compared to pre-test (95.6±3.9). Conclusion: In this study, hydrotherapy protocol improved the dynamic balance and the activities of daily living of patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis associated with AIDS.


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Oliveira, L. de S. de, Medeiros, E. S. de, Machado, H. T. de A., Moraes, A. A. da C., Oliveira, E. M. de, & Rocha, R. S. B. (2016). Hydrotherapy on dynamic balance and in activities of daily living in patients with neurotoxoplasmosis associated with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. ABCS Health Sciences, 41(1). https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.v41i1.845
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