Therapeutic itineraries of people with fibromyalgia to a pain treatment center: A qualitative study

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Rilva Lopes de Sousa Muñoz
Ana Elisa Vieira Fernandes Silva
Daniel Idelfonso Dantas
Ana Mércia Barbosa Leite Fernandes


Introduction: When seeking medical care, patients with fibromyalgia seek relief for their symptoms, but also a “legitimization” of their suffering as real, and therefore their experience needs to be considered from a phenomenological perspective. Objective: To analyze the therapeutic itineraries constructed by people diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) as they go through the health system until they reach a rehabilitation center in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba. Methods: A qualitative, descriptive study based on the content analysis technique was carried out based on open interviews with patients attended at the Center for Rehabilitation and Pain Treatment. For interpretation, two interrelated theoretical references were used: the Health Care System and the Therapeutic Itineraries (IT) concept. Results: Fifteen women between the ages of 44 and 60 were interviewed, whose speeches identified three semantic nuclei or IT: the perception of the problem through the symptoms and their impact; the diagnostic process, which took an average of 10 years; the set of experiences successively frustrated in the health system until reaching the rehabilitation center, whose access was delayed, and marked by negative experiences in the doctor-patient relationship. Conclusion: The narratives evidenced the suffering related to FM and its itineraries in the search for diagnosis and treatment, with difficult access to the specialized and rehabilitative service, as well as denoting a challenge for the search of many physicians, with generally frustrating results. These evidences may support the planning of more adequate attention to the people with fibromyalgia.


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Muñoz, R. L. de S., Silva, A. E. V. F., Dantas, D. I., & Fernandes, A. M. B. L. (2018). Therapeutic itineraries of people with fibromyalgia to a pain treatment center: A qualitative study. ABCS Health Sciences, 43(3).
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