Temporal analysis of the birth and hospitalization of premature children in a Brazilian border town

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Kauhany de Souza Silva
Ana Tamara Kolecha Giordani Grebinski
Helder Ferreira
Adriana Zilly
Rosane Meire Munhak da Silva


Introduction: Premature birth is a global public health problem responsible for high rates of infant deaths. Objective: To analyze the temporal trend of birth and hospitalization of premature children in a Brazilian border town. Methods: Cross-sectional study encompassing 951 medical records of premature newborns hospitalized receiving intermediate or intensive during 2013-2017 in Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil. The comparisons involved birth and hospitalization variables distributed over the years, and the level of significance was p<0.05. Results: The incidence of premature birth was 10.3% and remained stable in the years studied, however, hospitalization increased from 37.7 to 50.1%. Extreme prematurity (12.2 to 9.5%) and complications (46.0 to 21.6%) showed a reduction, and the use of antibiotics increased (50.0 to 75.2%), with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). The time of mechanical ventilation (347.2 to 123.9 h) and length of hospital stay (29 to 24.6 days) decreased in the years studied, with no difference in outcome (hospital discharge or death). The most frequent diagnosis at hospitalization was pulmonary disorders. Problems of infectious origin showed a reduction (7.6% to 3.7%), but in 2014 there was an increase in congenital malformations (11.1%) and 2016 perinatal asphyxia (33.7%). Conclusion: Although there was a reduction in extreme prematurity, complications, and days of hospitalization, there was an increase in the number of premature newborns hospitalized, showing the need for (re)planning and (re)organization of the care process.


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How to Cite
Silva, K. de S., Grebinski, A. T. K. G., Ferreira, H., Zilly, A., & Silva, R. M. M. da. (2022). Temporal analysis of the birth and hospitalization of premature children in a Brazilian border town. ABCS Health Sciences, 47, e022228. https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.2020255.1703
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