Level of physical activity, hope of life, and intensity of depressive and anxious symptoms in hemodialysis patients

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Tiago da Rosa Rambo
João Francisco de Castro Silveira
Dulciane Nunes Paiva
Éboni Marília Reuter


Introduction: Individuals with advanced-stage chronic kidney disease require hemodialysis, in which the resource has harmful physical and mental effects, and it is still unclear how the level of physical activity is related to cognitive status in this population. Objective: To compare the level of physical activity with hope of life and the intensity of depressive and anxious symptoms in hemodialysis patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study carried out with 59 hemodialysis patients dichotomized into two groups (sufficiently active and insufficiently active) according to the level of physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire), evaluated in terms of hope of life (Herth Hope Index) and the intensity of depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory) and anxious (Beck Anxiety Inventory). The association between categorical variables was evaluated using Pearson's chi-square test and numerical variables using the Student's T-test and Mann-Whitney U test (p<0.05). Results: There was a prevalence of subjects categorized as sufficiently active (64%) and with a minimal depression (57%) and anxiety (59%). Insufficiently active individuals had higher scores on the depression (p=0.001) and anxiety (p=0.019) instrument, and similar scores on the hope of life instrument (p=0.067). There was a greater intensity of depressive and anxious symptoms in those who were insufficiently active (p<0.001; p=0.003). Conclusion: When compared to insufficiently active, sufficiently active hemodialysis patients have similar hope of life and lower intensity of depressive and anxious symptoms.


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How to Cite
Rambo, T. da R., Silveira, J. F. de C., Paiva, D. N., & Reuter, Éboni M. (2024). Level of physical activity, hope of life, and intensity of depressive and anxious symptoms in hemodialysis patients. ABCS Health Sciences, 49, e024226. https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.2023025.2280
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