Neurophysiological aspects of musical auditory stimulation on the cardiovascular system

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Lucas Lima Ferreira
Luiz Carlos Marques Vanderlei
Luiz Carlos de Abreu
Heraldo Lorena Guida
Vitor Engrácia Valenti


Introduction: The literature has shown that musical stimulation can influence the cardiovascular system, however, the neurophysiological aspects of this influence are not yet fully elucidated. Objective: This study describes the influence of
music on the neurophysiological mechanisms in the human body, specifically the variable blood pressure, as well as the neural mechanisms of music processing. Methods: Searches were conducted in Medline, PEDro, Lilacs and SciELO using the intersection of the keyword “music” with the keyword descriptors “blood pressure” and “neurophysiology”. Results: There were selected 11 articles, which indicated that music interferes in some aspects of physiological variables. Conclusion: Studies have indicated that music interferes on the control of blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, through possible involvement of limbic brain areas which modulate hypothalamic-pituitary functions. Further studies are needed in order to identify the mechanisms by which this influence occurs.


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How to Cite
Ferreira, L. L., Vanderlei, L. C. M., Abreu, L. C. de, Guida, H. L., & Valenti, V. E. (2013). Neurophysiological aspects of musical auditory stimulation on the cardiovascular system. ABCS Health Sciences, 38(3).
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