Respiratory physiotherapy of preoperative cholecystectomy

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Lucas Lima Ferreira
Sueli Aparecida Alves


Introduction: The high abdominal surgeries cause changes in lung function characterized by reduced vital capacity, related to the presence of hypoxemia and atelectasis, and reduced forced expiratory volume in one second. Case report: A female patient, aged 29, a medical diagnosis of hiatal hernia and gallstones, functional diagnosis of low cardiorespiratory performance, three months of preoperative cholecystectomy. The assessment comprised demographics, spirometry test, six-minute walk test (6MWT), measurement of respiratory pressures by manometer and the level of quality of life using the SF-36. Then we applied a protocol of respiratory therapy and reassessment after treatment. At baseline was found that the patient was overweight (BMI=27.40 kg/m2), low cardiorespiratory performance and weakness of the respiratory muscles. Conclusion: The guideline was effective because it helped in reducing body weight and improved cardiorespiratory performance through cardio and strength gains afforded the respiratory muscles.


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How to Cite
Ferreira, L. L., & Alves, S. A. (2013). Respiratory physiotherapy of preoperative cholecystectomy. ABCS Health Sciences, 38(1).
Author Biographies

Lucas Lima Ferreira, Centro Universitário de Rio Preto

UNIRP – São José do Rio Preto (SP), Brasil.

Sueli Aparecida Alves, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) – Presidente Prudente (SP), Brasil.


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