Postural changes in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery

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Ana Carolina Sartorato Beleza
Laís de Oliveira Pinto
Alessandra Fernandes Loureiro
Cristina dos Santos Cardoso de Sá


Introduction: The breast cancer surgery leads to repercussions on the female body, which may affect her posture changes. Objective: To identify the posture in women undergoing this procedure and compare these changes with the type of surgery. Methods: We evaluated the posture of 23 volunteers selected by convenience through the software SAPO. Results: 52.2% of the women evaluated had head rotation to the left and shoulder elevation to the right, 56.5% increased the pelvis to the left and 65.2% stem tilt left. In 100% of the women it was observed forward head posture, in 87% posterior displacement of the trunk and 82.6% demonstrated pelvic anteversion. No relevant differences were found between the types of surgery. Conclusion: The women had an abnormal alignment of head, shoulder, pelvis and trunk. However, these changes were not different when comparing the types of surgery.


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How to Cite
Beleza, A. C. S., Pinto, L. de O., Loureiro, A. F., & Sá, C. dos S. C. de. (2016). Postural changes in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery. ABCS Health Sciences, 41(1).
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