Functional capacity of institutionalized elderly people: an integrative review

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Temístocles Vicente Pereira Barros
Allan Derkian Borges Santos
Jozilma de Medeiros Gonzaga
Maria Goretti da Cunha Lisboa
Caroline Brand


Aging is a universal and multifactorial process that takes place in a context of great change, especially in the setting of family arrangements, consequently with repercussions in the search for Geriatric Long-Term Care Facilities (GLTCFs). A sedentary lifestyle is a defining factor in GLTCFs, leading elderly quickly to a dependency status and disability. The aim of this study was to identify the scientific literature about factors related to functional capacity of elderly residents of GLTCFs through articles indexed in electronic databases LILACS and SciELO, in the period between 2010 and 2014. Eleven articles were selected. It was observed that the studies tend to be descriptive and cross-sectional, and only one article had intervention with physical activity. Another notable factor was the presence of chronic diseases, as well as the predominance of women. The studies also report a lower cognitive performance and low functional capacity, high incidence of falls, dependence in activities of daily living and weight gain. The intervention of a multidisciplinary team is essential for the improvement and maintenance of functional capacity and independence of institutionalized elderly. It is necessary to produce new studies on this theme, since the elderly population in Brazil should continue to increase and consequently the number of institutions also tends to grow.


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How to Cite
Barros, T. V. P., Santos, A. D. B., Gonzaga, J. de M., Lisboa, M. G. da C., & Brand, C. (2016). Functional capacity of institutionalized elderly people: an integrative review. ABCS Health Sciences, 41(3).
Review Articles


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