Quality of life and functional disability among elderly enrolled in the family health strategy

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Árlen Almeida Duarte de Sousa
Andréa Maria Eleutério de Barros Lima Martins
Marise Fagundes Silveira
Wagner Luiz Mineiro Coutinho
Daniel Antunes Freitas
Eveline Lucena Vasconcelos
Amanda Miranda Brito Araújo
Ana Monique Gomes Brito
Raquel Conceição Ferreira


Introduction: The compromise of elderly functionality has harmful consequences to family, community and the health system. Objective: To estimate the occurrence of low quality of life (QOL) among elderly, as well as to verify its association with functional disability, personal characteristics, health behaviors and subjective oral health conditions. Methods: Epidemiological study with 361 elderly individuals aged equal or higher 60 years registered in the three Family Health Units from the city of Ibiaí-MG. QOL was measured by the WHOQOL-bref questionnaire and the independent variables were personal characteristics, health behaviors, subjective oral health conditions and functional disability. Logistic regressions were made to estimate the multiple models and the final model was adjusted, maintaining the variables associated with p <0.05. Results: In the physical domain, there was a lower chance of low QOL among elderly consuming alcohol, and a higher chance among those using medication, who reported bad/terrible perception of teeth and gums appearance and among those with functional disability. In the psychological domain, there was a lower chance of low QOL among men, and a higher chance among elderly who reported bad/terrible perception of oral health and those with functional disability. In the social domain, there was a higher chance of low QOL among the elderly who reported bad/terrible perception of the teeth and gums appearance and who presented functional disability. Conclusion: There was a high occurrence of low QOL among elderly and the relation between low QOL and functional disability was evidenced.


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Sousa, Árlen A. D. de, Martins, A. M. E. de B. L., Silveira, M. F., Coutinho, W. L. M., Freitas, D. A., Vasconcelos, E. L., Araújo, A. M. B., Brito, A. M. G., & Ferreira, R. C. (2018). Quality of life and functional disability among elderly enrolled in the family health strategy. ABCS Health Sciences, 43(1). https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.v43i1.986
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