Consumption of ultra-processed foods and screen exposure of preschoolers living in a region of high social vulnerability in São Paulo, Brazil

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Lidiany do Nascimento Leite
Bruna da Silva Damaceno
Amanda Forster Lopes


Introduction: There is a worldwide increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods, including among preschoolers. The screen exposure time demands attention to the consequences of this habit. Studies on the consumption of ultra-processed and the screen exposure time are scarce in the literature. Objective: To analyze the frequency of consumption of soft drinks, industrialized juice, sweets, and fast foods and the screen exposure time of preschoolers. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 218 children (mean age 2.5±0.9 years), attending a Non-Governmental Organization, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected using a semi-structured form filled out by the person responsible for the preschoolers. Social and environmental data, food frequency consumption, and exposure to screens were systematized to perform statistical analyses. Results: More than 30.0% of children consume sugar-sweetened beverages more than once a week, 35.8% consume sweets daily and 42.7% consume fast foods monthly. Half of the preschoolers are exposed to distractions at mealtime and 70.0% have a contact for more than an hour/day. Screen exposure time was significantly related (p<0.0001) to children's age, consumption of soft drinks, and frozen foods. Conclusion: Among preschoolers, there is a high exposure to ultra-processed foods and screens, the latter associated with the consumption of soft drinks and frozen foods. This information reinforces the need for careful look and actions directed at families with preschoolers and residents of socially vulnerable regions.


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How to Cite
Leite, L. do N., Damaceno, B. da S., & Lopes, A. F. (2022). Consumption of ultra-processed foods and screen exposure of preschoolers living in a region of high social vulnerability in São Paulo, Brazil. ABCS Health Sciences, 47, e022217.
Original Articles


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