Body image satisfaction in pregnant and non-pregnant woman

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Fabiano Augusto Teixeira
Voldiana Lúcia Pozzebon Schneider
Raquel Eleine Wolpe
Fabiana Flores Sperandio


Introduction: The body image is associated with the selfconcept with focus on appearance and body shape, understood as the mental representation of the body as a dynamic and unique process. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the perception of body image of pregnant women and compare them with a group of non-pregnant women. Methods: We used the Scale nine silhouettes. Study participants were 60 women divided into 4 groups with 15 participants each, with group 1, 2 and 3 with a gestational age of 16th, 26th and 36th weeks, respectively, counted from the date of last period and a group with non-pregnant women. Data was tabulated and analyzed in SPSS statistical program. Results: The majority of women participating in this study, in both groups believe that the ideal silhouette is slimmer than the current one. Body mass index (BMI) was different for all groups surveyed, indicating an increase in weight over the course of pregnancy. Thus, it was noticed that pregnant women have a unique way of observing the changes in their bodies according to gestational age in which they are and with previous experiences. Regarding the difference in body perception among pregnant and nonpregnant women there was no significant observed between the groups. Conclusion: There is a need to design up a research tool, representing pregnant women both in the anatomical position, as in the profile position in the different gestational weeks, for the visualization of body shape is more appropriate to the physical reality of pregnant women.


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How to Cite
Teixeira, F. A., Schneider, V. L. P., Wolpe, R. E., & Sperandio, F. F. (2015). Body image satisfaction in pregnant and non-pregnant woman. ABCS Health Sciences, 40(2).
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