Health services management degree: to whom, for what and how?

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Vânia Barbosa do Nascimento
Adozinda de Fátima da Silveira Marques


Introduction: The ABC region is an industrial hub of the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil, presenting a rapid population aging and increased life expectancy. The profile of morbidity and mortality reflects investment in the determinants of the health‑illness‑care and consequent quality of health care for the population. These investments were provided by public and private institutions, reflecting the expansion of its outpatient, hospital and emergency network that has nearly tripled over the last years. The education of adequate human resources, in quantity and quality, has been answered by the ABC Region School of Medicine (FMABC), creating several undergraduate courses in health. Case report: The challenge of training qualified professionals to collaborate in the process of the management of health facilities under the responsibility of the ABC Foundation (FUABC) was accepted due the lack of professional managers. The Hospital Management of Technology Degree was created. The first class of the course filled, in 2014, mostly by selected school students and indicated by health institutions maintained by FUABC. Conclusion: The students selected presented a challenge because they were different in comparison to other students in relation to age, basic training, job placement and above all the strong desire to acquire new knowledge for professional and social development. This involved active teaching‑learning methodologies and participatory management. This effort was followed after the first year of the course with a low school dropout, enthusiastic classroom, and a reciprocal tolerance, encouraging creativity and a change in attitude.


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How to Cite
Nascimento, V. B. do, & Marques, A. de F. da S. (2015). Health services management degree: to whom, for what and how?. ABCS Health Sciences, 40(3).


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