Prevalence of red blood cell alloimmunization in patients with sickle cell anemia

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Alexandre Gomes Vizzoni
Heladya Maria Matos Moreira


Although packed red blood cells transfusions are important for treating patients with sickle cell anemia, this intervention may lead to immunological disturbs, such as alloimmunization by erythrocyte antigens. Approximately 50% of patients with sickle cell anemia receive blood transfusions during their life span, and about 5 to 10% of them require a chronic transfusion scheme. The red blood cell alloimmunization is a serious but common transfusion reaction. This condition could lead to delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions, contributing to increase comorbidities of the disease. Important measures to prevent these complications in patients are the use of previously phenotyped red blood cells, in addition to the phenotyping of red blood cells from the acceptor patient, determining the correct phenotypic profile and enabling the choice of red blood cells with corresponding antigens to the patient to be transfused. Extensive prophylactic red blood cell genotyping to select donors for patients receiving repeated transfusions over a long period of time is a compelling application of DNA-based blood typing. This is particularly relevant for patients with sickle cell disease where the rate of alloimmunization is high.


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How to Cite
Vizzoni, A. G., & Moreira, H. M. M. (2017). Prevalence of red blood cell alloimmunization in patients with sickle cell anemia. ABCS Health Sciences, 42(1).
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