Use of the Russian electrical stimulation in the neurological rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury patient: case report

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Arley Ribeiro de Castro
Rita di Cássia de Oliveira Angelo
Paulo Adriano Schwingel


Introduction: The traumatic brain injury (TBI) is any aggression capable of causing damage or functional impairment of the scalp, skull, meninges or brain, which can bring significant cognitive and motor losses. The main mechanisms of trauma are traffic accidents, falls and physical aggression and/or firearm injuries. This study aimed to report the effects of an intervention protocol physical therapy which includes the use of Russian Electrical Stimulation (RES) in the rehabilitation of a patient with TBI. Case report: Male patient, 26, mechanic, chronic alcoholic, with medical diagnosis of TBI and left hemiparesis disproportionate predominantly in the arm, dependent on a wheelchair. The physical therapy evaluation consisted of measuring vital signs, evaluation of surface and tendon reflexes and muscle tone, goniometry and specific muscle strength test. After the initial evaluation it was applied a physiotherapy intervention protocol consisting of therapeutic and electrical stimulation exercises with RES, with frequency of two weekly sessions of 50 minutes, for 16 weeks, followed by reevaluation. Conclusion: The applied intervention protocol contributed to the rehabilitation patient’s functional, checked through the range of motion gain in the joints of the wrist, elbow, ankle and left knee; and increased muscle strength undergraduate flexor and extensors of the wrist and the elbow, flexors and extensors of the knee and left ankle. Furthermore, the independent ambulation was restored, returning to the professional activity.


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How to Cite
Castro, A. R. de, Angelo, R. di C. de O., & Schwingel, P. A. (2017). Use of the Russian electrical stimulation in the neurological rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury patient: case report. ABCS Health Sciences, 42(2).


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