The work of nursing in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery: an integrative review

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Ana Paula Azevedo Santos
Ana Maria Laus
Silvia Helena Henriques Camelo


This study aimed to identify, through national and international scientific production, the care provided by the nursing staff during patient care in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery. It is an integrative review accomplished through searching PubMed, LILACS, CINAHL, SCOPUS and BDENF in the period from February to June 2014, with the question: “What is the care provided to the patient by nursing staff in the postcardiac surgery?” It was used as a criterion for inclusion scientific articles published in the last five years, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, available in its entirety. Twenty-one articles were selected and, by careful reading, descriptive analysis was performed, enabling the pooling of data on a theme: caring for the patient during the postoperative period of cardiac surgery, which yielded subcategories: taking care of the patient in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery, managing pain and communication as a tool in nursing care. The care in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery demonstrate the necessity of organization of the work process of the nursing staff as well as specific professional skills to work in this scenario, in order to promote individualized and qualified care.


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How to Cite
Santos, A. P. A., Laus, A. M., & Camelo, S. H. H. (2015). The work of nursing in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery: an integrative review. ABCS Health Sciences, 40(1).
Review Articles


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