Association between phase angle of bioelectrical impedance analysis and nutritional parameters in older adults

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Mylena Alves Santos
Andrea Costa Goes
Rafaela de Siqueira Oliveira
Juliana de Souza Oliveira
Andrêa Jacqueline Fortes Ferreira
Emanuelle Cruz da Silva Santiago
Anna Karla Carneiro Roriz
Carolina Cunha de Oliveira


Introduction: Phase angle (PhA) is a Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) parameter representing an indicator of cellular health and has been suggested as a biomarker of nutritional status. Objective: To evaluate the association between PhA and nutritional parameters in older adults. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with community-dwelling older adults. Body mass index (BMI), arm muscle circumference (AMC), calf circumference (CC), body fat percentage (BF%), appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASMM), serum albumin, mini-nutritional assessment (MNA), and PhA were assessed. Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Spearman's correlation coefficient, chi-square test, and Poisson regression models were performed. Results: 144 participants were included in the study, and most of them were female, aged ≥80 years, and underweight. Most older adults with lower PhA were women, aged range 80–89 years, and with reduced ASMM (p<0.05). PhA presented a significant correlation with age (r=–0.417; p<0.001), ASMM (r=0.427; p<0.001), AMC (r=0.195; p=0.019) and BF% (r=–0.223; p=0.007). Older adults with lower PhA present reduced ASMM (PR: 1.25; 95%CI: 1.04–1.50), and hypoalbuminemia (PR: 1.50; 95%CI: 1.11–2.03). Conclusion: PhA is related to commonly nutritional indicators used in clinical practice and could be an important biomarker of muscle mass reserves in community-living older adults of both sexes.


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Como Citar
Santos, M. A., Goes, A. C., Oliveira, R. de S., Oliveira, J. de S., Ferreira, A. J. F., Santiago, E. C. da S., Roriz, A. K. C., & Oliveira, C. C. de. (2023). Association between phase angle of bioelectrical impedance analysis and nutritional parameters in older adults. ABCS Health Sciences, 48, e023210.
Artigos Originais


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