“The pain and the delight” of primary health care internship: challenges and tensions

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Daniela Fontes Bezerra
Fernando Adami
Lígia de Fátima Nóbrega Reato
Marco Akerman


Introduction: The National Curriculum Guidelines for the medical school showed that a doctor to graduate is necessary to be able to act upon the health needs of the population aimed at strengthening the Unified Health System. The implementation of a stage in Primary Care area of health, ABC School of Medicine, has resulted in a broader reform of the medical internship. Objective: To identify the perception of students and the insertion of the Primary Health Care Cycle (CAPS) in medical internship. Methods: Cross‑sectional study that used a closed questionnaire applied to students of 5th and 6th year, totaling 157 participants in 2011 addressing the theoretical and practical aspects of CAPS. Results: They draw attention in the comparison between the 5th and 6th year of Primary Care Cycle Health: CAPS at 5 years had the highest number of answered questions with regular and weak, while the 6th grade had a large number responded with great and good. There were marked differences in the perception of students among the topics of CAPS aspects among students of 5th and 6th, highlighting greater degree of satisfaction with the 6th grade (Traditional UBS) than with the 5 year Family Health Strategy (FHS). Conclusion: There are indications that respondents validated the implementation of CAPS, but there are still challenges and tensions on the structuring and integrating teaching and service.


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How to Cite
Bezerra, D. F., Adami, F., Reato, L. de F. N., & Akerman, M. (2015). “The pain and the delight” of primary health care internship: challenges and tensions. ABCS Health Sciences, 40(3). https://doi.org/10.7322/abcshs.v40i3.790
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