Perceptions of teachers and students about the educational use of social media

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Arquimedes Pessoni
Marco Akerman


Introduction: The use of online social networks has been an important ally in the teaching and learning activities. Objective: The study examined the perception of students and teachers on the use of these new tools in the educational environment. Methods: Two types of online questionnaires were distributed to students and teachers of Health programs of two higher education institutions in ABC Paulista, and 55 students and 19 teachers answered the questions. Based on these data, qualitative statements were identified to assess perceptions of the two groups on the use of online social networks in the educational environment. Results: It was observed that students are more familiar with digital tools and that teachers know about them, but do not use them.  Youtube and Facebook were the most referenced media and used by both audiences. Students suggested forms of extracurricular use of digital tools. Conclusion: Social media can be used as educational tools, but teachers need to be sensitized and trained to use them. Students can find options and share collective knowledge production in the virtual environment of health education.


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How to Cite
Pessoni, A., & Akerman, M. (2015). Perceptions of teachers and students about the educational use of social media. ABCS Health Sciences, 40(3).
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