Limits and possibilities for the achievement of integral health care: the Learning Setting in analysis

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Deborah Varjabedian
Camila Sotello Raymundo
Maria Elisabete Guazzelli
Marco Akerman


Introduction: The practice of a physical therapist is still pointing to the treatment of disorders functional kinetic in organs and systems of the human body, focusing the attention secondary and tertiary health care. It is to be hoped, however, to achieve in the formation process the profile manifest ideals that guides the principles of comprehensiveness, which emphasizes the importance of primary care. Despite the curricular changes experienced in higher education in Physiotherapy, organized in an integrated manner and supported on interdisciplinarity, it is clear that the concept of comprehensiveness is not reproduced and incorporated in an effective way, since the beginning of the graduation until the moment of traineeship in clinical/school of the University. Objective: This study examined whether the present proposals on the design of the scenario of education were actioned in accordance with the assumptions of integrality of health care. Methods: In an attempt to find answers to such questions, we analyzed the documents directing the education institution — Project of Institutional Development (PDI), Institutional Pedagogical Project (PPI) and the document Center for Integrated Health (CIS) —, so that we can check if such documents allow the proposition of strategies groups of comprehensiveness in health care. Results and Conclusion: These documents demonstrated a synergy with the principles fundamental human, for the human being, with the student and the society as a whole, acting as well, in line with the precepts of completeness. Does not mean, however, that the entire outside used as one of the pillars of these guiding documents


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How to Cite
Varjabedian, D., Raymundo, C. S., Guazzelli, M. E., & Akerman, M. (2015). Limits and possibilities for the achievement of integral health care: the Learning Setting in analysis. ABCS Health Sciences, 40(3).
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